2025-03-31 03:56##Error en la orden: SELECT * FROM (
CASE WHEN empresa LIKE '%shanghai%' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS rnk,
id, cliente, empresa, direccion, poblacion, pais, img_logo, img_flyer,
slug, destacado, plan, clase, mail_bienvenida, orden, fecha_registro, last_print
WHERE activo='1' AND visible='1' AND eliminado='0' AND (( AND (poblacion LIKE '%Shanghai%' OR direccion LIKE '%Shanghai%') AND (
empresa LIKE '%shanghai%' OR
direccion LIKE '%shanghai%' OR
poblacion LIKE '%shanghai%' OR
descripcion LIKE '%shanghai%'
) AND pais='OT') OR MATCH (keywords) AGAINST ('Shanghai'))
) AS tab
ORDER BY cliente DESC, plan DESC, destacado DESC, orden DESC, rnk, last_print DESC, fecha_registro DESC, empresa
LIMIT 0, 12####